Home Alone (1990)

This is the first movie in the Home Alone series.
The McCallister family lives in Chicago and plans to spend their Christmas vacation in Paris.Kevin (Macaulay Culkin)is their youngest son and in a rush to get to the airport, the family leaves him behind and leaves to Paris.
Harry and Marv, a pair of ‘wet bandits’ plan to burgal the McCallister home on Christmas Eve. Kevin overhears their plan and swears to protect his home.
He wisely booby traps his home and the scenes that follow when the burglars enter the home and spring the traps are simply hilarious for the old and young alike
On returning from Paris in advance, his family is relieved to see him safe but outraged by the clutter at home!
You can get yourself out of any tight spot coz God never gives you more than you can chew!
Happy Watching!!!

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