Evan Almightt (2007)

God created this beautiful world. But he was not happy with the selfish ways of man. So he decided to destroy the entire world by bringing a flood that lasted for 40 days. The only exception was Noah as he was a good and pious man. God ordered him to build an ark(wooden boat) and before the flood began, he boarded his family as well as a pair each of all the animals and birds in this world. The flood destroyed everything and everybody. At the end of 40 days when the flood ceased, Noah released all the animals and birds and his family began a new life in a new place. This is the story of Noah’s Ark from the Bible.
What if God appeared in front of you right now and asked you to build such an ark? Will you concede?Evan Baxter (Steve Carell) faces the same predicament. Watch the movie to see what he does.
Everyday the things we ask of God are endless. If the roles are reversed will we be prepared to give what He seeks?
Hold on to this thought when you ask of Him next time.
The rainbow is His promise that He will always protect us. What more do we need? Trust and go do your best today!
Happy Watching!!!

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